Are You Feeling The Winds of Change?

Did you notice towards the beginning of August that we changed seasons? In Chinese 5 Element Theory, we see there are 5 seasons, that of late summer being the one between summer and fall. The days begin to cool, the days become shorter, and we feel a difference in the energies. As each of the seasons are ruled by an element, this time of year is ruled by the earth element. This element can bring some of us to a slower movement, as this is also a more yin time of year, succeeding the yang action time of summer. However, when the earth element engages, it can move mountains. So while it is slow to move, once it does, it is resolute and does what it set out to do. This is also a time when we can focus on our health more and act upon it, as this time also correlates to the season of Virgo. The energy of Virgo likes to improve, especially in health, and will do so through mind, spirit and body. As you can see, this can be a very monumental time to effect change in your life. What would you like to shift or bring in? Now is the time to set a new goal to raise you up to that next level. I can assist you in accomplishing this through my various modalities. Amma Therapy, Nutrition Coaching, Alchemy Coaching, Breathwork Yoga, Chinese Astrology and Ancestral Energy Clearing. If you aren’t sure how best I can help, then let’s set up a free 30 minute Clarity call. 

During this period where the Earth element is strongest, we need to focus on strengthening the correlating organs of the spleen, pancreas and stomach. Focusing on digestion will strengthen our immunity, and this is also very important for the coming fall season. The spleen also governs our will, so we have double forces at this time to increase our will to change things in our life for the better. If you are out of balance with your earth element, you could have more of an inability to come to a decision, tendency to worry, obsessive thinking, resistance to change, nervousness, or forgetfulness. The body shows us physically when we have an imbalance in these organs with sagging muscles, menstrual issues, low blood sugar or high blood sugar issues, sugar cravings, weight gain, digestive issues (loose stools and constipation especially), skin issues, low energy, and brain fog. 

There are several things you can do to build these organs. Nutritionally, focus on reducing sugar. Too much of it impairs the spleens and pancreas’ ability. On the other hand, you can enjoy the full sweet flavor of foods in season, such as yams, sweet potatoes, grapes and apples. Remember we must strengthen our organs the season before, to have optimal health. The fall is ruled by the lungs and colon. In order to prevent the flu, cold and viruses from being an issue, or if you tend to get sick in the fall, now is the time for you to prioritize Amma Therapy. My sessions of Amma always work to optimally support your earth element, boost the immunity, as well as they are individualized and support the elements you currently have out of balance. 

Blessings of Health and Joy,

Tanya Augusta


Your Narcissistic Sugar Friend


Spring Energetics 2021