Fall Into New Habits

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Fall is upon us, and the cool mornings and evenings along with early dusk invite new ways of being. Autumn is ruled by the metal element, which rules the mind and our ability to express ourselves. Being able to speak one’s mind in a clear and loving way, and establishing connections through the spoken and written word is enhanced when our metal energies are in balance. The large intestine, skin and lungs rule this season and are affected by imbalances. Breathing in and out, and fundamentally making peace with the life and death process is a part of balance we can find in this season. To be inspired (inspire and breathe in) and feel joyful shows the ability for the lungs to be in harmony. Letting go is the emotional component of the colon, and we will want to make sure we are eliminating properly, but also letting go of who or what is not serving us to bring us our greatest growth. I’ve noticed I naturally gravitate towards new habits in the fall, and it’s easier to begin new ways of being during this time. Make it a priority to find a habit that supports conscious communication, finding that peace in your life, and having exceptional boundaries. 

On a physical level, we want to pay attention to having a good balance of minerals because they are of the metal element, and are the fundamental structures of our body. How do we know this is being supported? Our spinal column will be in alignment, be free from headaches, free from sluggish digestion, colds or illness. The lymphatics are also along the spine, and when we aren’t keeping the body moving, the lymph isn’t able to flush out the toxins. If you have a chronic condition, the toxins in the body that are causing the issue are leaching minerals from the body as well. If you have been having mental or sleep imbalances, most often this is due to mineral deficiency as well. To keep the lymph moving, it’s imperative that we have mindful movement daily. I recommend gentle yoga (and especially cat cow daily), walking, biking, hiking, rebounding and dancing.

 I recommend increasing green leafy’s and all of the foods of the harvest season, especially those root veggies and squashes to root the mind and support optimal digestion. Magnesium, selenium and zinc are minerals that many people are deficient in, and we need to add more in. Zinc allows us to have proper blood sugar balance, helps in aiding weight loss, reduces cravings, balances menstruation and allows our immune system to fight off viruses. Selenium is needed for liver support, aids in flushing toxins, regulates our thyroid hormones, and metabolizes fats. It can be found in oats, wheatgerm, mushrooms, barley, brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, fish and liver. Magnesium assists in muscle relaxation, nerve support, adrenal support, builds bone and has a role in cardiovascular and endocrine functioning. To gain more add in pumpkin seeds, dark green leafy’s, dried beans, apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, fish, seaweed, grapefruit, peaches and figs. I have an excellent multivitamin/mineral I recommend as well that has added zinc, magnesium and selenium. It also has the needed Omega 3’s, B’s, D3, K2 and iodine. See my link below to order yours and have it shipped directly to you.

In order to stay well through the autumn season we will want to focus on healthy foods, a good sleep routine, movement and letting go of sugar. Sugar also depletes the body of minerals. The best way to change your habits with food is to do a cleanse with a group to support you in making a change. I’m offering a 9 day liver cleanse starting October 10th with group support. During this time, you will be eating only whole foods and no processed foods or sugars of any kind. This will be deeply healing for the liver, and you won’t need any supplements during the 9 days. If you are feeling ready for a lifestyle change and a way to kick this off, join me in our Liver ReBoot Group 2020. I look forward to serving you there and on your health journey! 

Warmest Wishes,

Tanya Augusta


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