This is Why You Are Still Sick
I keep up with the latest in science and I believe in Amma; acupressure and bodywork, whole foods nutrition, herbs and quality supplements. These are all doing wonders for the body. And while these are all important modalities (and whole foods are necessary), sometimes shifts in the body aren’t happening as quickly as people would like. (Let's not forget we live in a quick fix; give me a pill society). And I've been exploring and see that the root of all healing whether it's presenting psychologically or physically, is that you must address the emotional component. When you come to see me, in treatment we discuss the correlating emotions with the organ systems. Today let's dive a little deeper into this journey with the emotional component.
In human development we learn that humans have an innate knowing of self through the creation of ego. The ego development is an essential part of our existence and is not “bad”, as we often think. From the ego stems the ability to distinguish us versus everything else. Initially this is helpful for us to differentiate, but ultimately we “learn” we are separate from the rest of everything else, including what we may call Source, God, or Universe. So we find ourselves alone. And the result of this separation is the early core wounding story we get from these lonely experiences of, “I’m not good enough”. From this, we must attempt to “be enough”, and yet continue to feel alone. The ego believes that out of this separation and isolation, it has power. You can imagine how this lie causes us great pain. But, when looking through the lens of the ego, we continue to see what is not, and whatever else we are not that can be desired. We continue on this path in seeing false stories that allow us to feel fear. Fear of not being and having enough. These are powerful stories with emotional attachments that make us sick.
So goes on our lives where we continue to be storytellers, making up stories based on beliefs and fear stories that we heard over and over in early childhood. Those stories have programmed us to stay in roles that keep us disempowered. Most often these have us in roles as either the victim, the rescuer, or the persecutor. We know from “The Four Agreements”, by Don Miguel Ruiz, we often take things personal, don’t always speak with integrity, make assumptions, and resist change while judging, criticizing and regretting our decisions and actions. And these disempowering thoughts continue to cause toxicity in our bodies resulting in numerous psychological and physical ills. Until we release them
So part of why some of you are still sick, is some of you have been relying on me to be your rescuer. And I am not that. When you come to me for healing, it is you who is healing when you are open, ready, and willing to do what is needed. It’s okay that many of us have gone to a healer and wanted to be rescued. I too catch myself doing this. It is in our awareness of our patterns that we gain back our true power and heal. In this journey of imperfection, we get to learn how to lean into ourselves, but still ask for support and help along the way. Tricky business eh?
It is for this reason that I offer Transformation Coaching here at Blue Heron Holistic Health. Some of you already get that your thoughts make you sick, and you may not know how to get unstuck. And beliefs are tricky because they can sometimes feel beyond our reach. Through the coaching process, you dive into knowing your true desires, the emotions that are getting you stuck, the beliefs that no longer serve you, and find tools to stay present, and to calm and heal the body.
When we are more gentle and kind to ourselves, we come into our true power. We begin to attract the relationships, the career and the abundance that we truly desire. No, this is not a quick fix either, but in this process I can help you unfold into your greatest potential. Are you ready to dive into your soul’s calling? I know that you are enough, just as you are, and you will see this more too as you unfurl. Let’s dive in!
To your health!