Our Ancestors Want Us To Let Go Of Painful Patterns

When we have patterns that replay themselves, and we continue to have these painful things happen to us over and over again, we aren’t meant to suffer. I know that life sometimes feels like it’s on repeat, and we wonder why the same lessons come up time and again. In 2018 I was at my wits end with painful patterns. I couldn’t take it anymore and felt discouraged, hopeless and even had suicidal ideation. I prayed for help and found a coach that did what I now call Ancestral Energy Clearing on me. After some individual and group sessions, those painful patterns went away.

The problem with painful patterns is that some of these aren’t ours to begin with. They are familial or generational patterns. They are stuck in us from ancestors and also early life conditioning. These patterns can actually be removed from the body through this energy clearing. It’s pretty amazing to be able to start focusing on what you’re creating and not just trying to stay out of pain. I’ve been transforming others' lives now for 4 years, helping others let go of pain, staying small, and in lack and limiting beliefs. Instead clients now allow abundance to come in. I truly believe we aren’t meant to stay in pain, and our ancestors are rooting us on to let go of the things they also struggled with. We don’t have to take as long to heal anymore. I believe this is part of the new paradigm and Age of Aquarius. I’m excited to assist you. Mindset is everything, and that’s why I created my group energy clearings with the mindset training. My Affluence Mindset Upgrade group is this Thursday at 7pm MDT over Zoom. If you’d like to chat about this, I’m always available for a free Clarity Call to see if individual or group sessions are best for you!

To Letting Go and Bringing In Hope, Abundance and Blessings,



Spring Energetics 2022


How To Be the Change We Wish to Be