Opport-Unity in Chaos

Image by Jan Canty

Image by Jan Canty


I recently went to gain additional energy healing training in Costa Rica and I was immersed in the mountain jungle at a beautiful retreat center, with 14 other energy healers. We created a cohesive group, learning how each of us has energy healing abilities, each our own unique signature, and we recognized our gifts. While we were there, we became empowered to step into our greater truth and power as co-creators on this planet. My vision grows, and I continue to be a guide to empower each of you to Be the powerful co-creator you are, and that you want to be on this magnificent journey of life. I am bringing the magic and life-force of our radiant planet and all the love and support this holds for each of us and sending it out to you.

There are many different beliefs out there right now, and I respect that there will be differences with all of us on where we are at. I send out love and light, and a strong stand for choosing love in all we do. In my Conscious Communication classes, I discuss and teach what is called the fear to love spectrum. We all go into fear in our life, and this is okay. What we want to keep in mind, is an awareness of our fears, and how we can operate out of them and make decisions based on them. Since you are a part of my tribe, and we all understand the law of attraction, this is a Re-Minder that focusing on fear will create more of this. Again, it’s okay if you are in fear about the virus. There is an incredible amount of energy that has been created around this in the media, and now all of our communities.

Of course we all want to take precautions as well. We always want to have good cleanliness practices to ensure that we are healthy and we don’t harm any of our loved ones. We are receiving a Re-Minder of good health practices for a healthy person, family and planet. Choosing to distance ourselves from others from a space of care and love for others is also an option. There doesn’t have to be dichotomy, or right and wrong. I will continue to see my clients, and if I feel my immune system is compromised I will let you know and cancel accordingly. This has always been my policy. Keep in mind that Amma Therapy boosts the immune system, and this is an opportunity to get self-care and to boost yourself. I recommend for maintenance to come in once a month for a tune-up, and balance the body and all of the organ systems for optimal functioning.In regards to the massive shutdowns, we all have an Opport-Unity right now to gain a higher unity within ourselves, and with our deepest desires. We also have an Opport-Unity to become better at supporting our communities with what is needed. I always am brought to tears with the power of the collective to do good. I see this in my communities near and far all the time. We the people are resilient. This time of less work (for many, but not all of you) can create a way for you to get down to creating new habits to commit to. We can begin to eat better, meditate more, do mindful movement, and also get to the root of an issue. I am available to assist you through this. If you prefer distance healing, my coaching can be done over Zoom or by phone.

My Transformation Coaching includes energy clearing that is powerful and allows you to transmute where you are stuck. This can look like many things in life: pain in the body, frustration with loved ones or at one’s self, making decisions that we don’t feel confident about, feeling lost, struggling with specific issues that keep coming up, not making time for the things we truly want to do, and not making the new habits because it feels too hard. These can be shifted when we are ready, and when we align with tools and guidance. The energy clearings that I provide help clear and cleanse the chakras, disintegrate ancestral patterns that are stuck in your body, as well as beliefs that have become crystallized into your being. In this work, we don’t have to keep talking about old pain and relive it. We can let it go. I also can provide any intuitive insights into what is being shown to me with your higher self.

This session could also be shadow work where we look at parts of you that need reintegration. I can assist you with working with your inner child, and blocks that stem from this that need shifting.This will allow you to release old stories and integrate new ones. What dreams are waiting under the surface to be realized? You can align and are worthy, and I will assist you in finding your way.

Nutrition and Life Coaching is an option I offer to heal the mind body through holistic medicine. I provide coaching on whole foods eating, and conscious eating where we learn to connect with food once again. It’s not just what you eat, but how you eat and what you think about food. There is a lot of mindset training that goes with this, as well as setting practical goals to meet you where you are. High quality supplements and herbs may be recommended. I use muscle testing as well, and this is done by proxy (on myself) with your higher self’s permission. We also find ways for you to integrate practices into your life that serve the body and assist it’s healing.

For the rest of March, all individual Transformation and Nutrition Coaching sessions can be bought individually and are $97 for a 1 hour session. I am grateful to serve you and my community in all the various ways.This time we are all in, is an Opport-Unity to unite and go deeper with ourselves, with our loved ones, to slow down and Be, and to invite in our greatest dreams. How do we want this new era to be? We are creators. What does your greatest life look like?

Stepping In,

Tanya Starlight


A Vision for Nourishment


The Slow Down Movement: A Feminine Process of Allowing