3 Mindset Hacks for the Holidays
With the current energies, you may need these tools to help you through the coming weeks, but they are always great re-minders to come back to!
Ask Yourself: Am I creating an enemy outside of myself? or equally...Am I creating an enemy out of myself? And re-member that awareness allows each of us to dissolve the hidden enemy, coming back to loving compassion, holding ourselves and others knowing that each of us are doing the best we can, and when we're stuck in this stinkin thinkin, we can choose a new way of being.
You are only one person and can only do so much. In order to accomplish all you want, be sure and re-mind yourself this with a mantra such as "I'm only one person." or be silly and say, 'they haven't cloned me yet." And take the next step and ask for help! Also, creating a written to do list where you can cross off each task will give you a little dopamine hits each time and a feeling of great satisfaction.
Because our energy and time is limited, be sure and put your self-care first. Remember, it can be as little as a 5 minute meditation in the bathroom (if you have to hide from the kids or partner), a 15 minute yoga online class, or 10 minute walk around a couple blocks. Every little bit makes a difference, and when you put yourself first, you'll be more productive and you'll save the time by not fighting with the family later on from feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.
Did you like these Mindset Hacks? If you did, come to my class, Self-Sustained Healing to Your Empowered Self Thursday December 19th at 12pm. More info below!
Self-Sustained Healing to Your Empowered Self
Join me to learn keys and hacks to Mindset, Body, Energy and Know Thyself Alchemy that will assist you through life transitions, an ongoing challenge, negative thoughts, if fear or doubt are creeping in, or if you're feeling a lack purpose and needing more emotional resilience.
I've been through healing a long-term health crisis, been in unhealthy partnerships with men who were emotionally unavailable, been lost on my journey with not knowing myself, and had a midlife career crisis at age 30. While all this was extremely challenging at the time, it's because I've been through all these dark times, and had to keep getting support and learning new tools that I healed these things that I now teach. And I want you to learn from my mistakes and so you can come into healthier and happier states more quickly.
Join me to find alignment, peace and confidence to overcome life’s challenges and come into your greatest authentic and purposeful path. I'll be leading you every step of the way and you'll be learning in a beautiful community of like-minded souls we are growing alongside you. Come to this free class! Go to my schedule page and click on the free class: Self-Sustained Healing to Your Empowered Self.