Nature heals you events

Fall Into Health Parasite Cleanse

I have my annual Parasite Cleanse ready for you to join to feel better or like the person you want to be. As we navigate this time where life is constantly changing and we all have to embrace the unknown and let go of control, it reminds me how much our mental health is related to what we put in our body. 

So many people see me for anxiety or other emotional imbalances. We make ourselves wrong, when really sometimes we have things like too much sugar in our lives that are causing us to have blood sugar crashes, irrational thoughts, anger, etc. Parasites are in all of us and feed off the bad foods we eat, and because of our strong gut and brain connection, the parasites will be persistent in telling us they need to be fed, leading us back to eating things we know aren’t serving us because of excessive cravings. This cleanse will clear out those cravings, and get you into new healthy habits, or back on track again.

There are many symptoms that can occur due to parasites including: chronic headaches, serious skin issues, low mood or depression, anxiety, being overly angry, low energy & chronic fatigue, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances, food sensitivities, allergies, bloat, gas & digestive issues, grinding teeth, ringing in the ears, and they are often found with cancer. For someone with bacteria, fungus, mold, lyme and viruses that won’t go away, the parasites must be cleansed out first for these to lessen their grips. The parasites in fact, have created a perfect environment for these to come in and nest.

For all info on what parasites can help with read this blog of mine:

Also go to this YouTube video I created:

We begin October 1st for a 30 day cleanse. The 21 day cleanse can begin and end when you’d like during the month of October.

Join Today or by September 27th for a 30 day, to get into this private group and safe container. (You will need to purchase supplements/herbs before beginning). I will be your guide in this parasite releasing tribe, as we get rid of these excessive critters and get to feeling better! You will need to buy parasite herbs, and this is not included in the tiers below. The online Skool platform will be where we will meet and can talk and I’ll have all the supports for you.

Tier 1: Initial Nutritional Consult and online support group for 30 days: pay $111 (sliding scale of $55 or $77 also available) 

Tier 2: Initial Nutritional Consult,1 Ancestral Energy Clearing or Amma Bodywork Therapy session, and online support group for 30 days: $222

Tier 3: Initial Nutritional Consult, 1 Ancestral Energy Clearing, 1 Amma Bodywork Therapy session, and online support group for 30 days: $333

***Register by 9/27/24: 

Tier 1: $111, $77, $55

Tier 2: $222

Tier 3: $333

All payments are through Venmo, Cash App, Square, check or cash. 

Here’s what you get:  

The Initial Nutritional Consult: Through zoom/phone, or in person available. In this, I will muscle test to see how much of the cleansing herbs you need, and go over all of the nutritional protocols for you to be successful. I will guide you to finding the herbs for the journey. You will need to purchase the herbs at least a week prior to starting our journey. (Cost of Recommended herbs: Plan to budget around $175. (Other herbs are accessible if this is not available to you.)

Parasite Release Private Skool Group: Korenna will be available at least 4 days a week to answer any questions, cheer you on, to post recipes, and mindset support you. This is a private and confidential group.

For those who join in Tier 2: 

The above Nutritional Consult plus the Skool private group, plus you will get your choice of an Amma Bodywork Therapy session or Ancestral Energy Clearing session to move out patterns to assist you as you are doing this work. 

(This is especially helpful if you have a sugar addiction to have additional support, or if you have been going through an emotionally challenging time and trying to break free from old patterns that are holding you back. These are incredible prices for Amma Bodywork Therapy and Ancestral Energy Clearing, so take this opportunity if it speaks to you!) 

For those who join in Tier 3:

The above Nutritional Consult plus the Skool private group, plus you will get a 1.5 hour Amma Bodywork Therapy session AND a 1.5 hour Ancestral Energy Clearing session to move out patterns to assist you as you are doing this work. 

(This is especially helpful if you have a sugar addiction to have additional support, or if you have been going through an emotionally challenging time and trying to break free from old patterns that are holding you back. These are incredible prices for Amma Bodywork Therapy and Ancestral Energy Clearing, so take this opportunity if it speaks to you!) 

Register by September 27th for a 21 or 30 day cleanse. We will need to get your Initial Nutritional Consult in that coming week, and have you order your herbs. 

What you need to know: 

During this cleanse you will eliminate all sugar, which of course includes alcohol. The good news is you can eat all the fruit you want! Once you join, I will give you all the nutritional information on what you can and can’t eat. The support group allows us to help one another be accountable and successful. I will be there to cheer you on, give you advice, so this will flow. 

You will need to purchase herbs to purge the parasites. I offer muscle testing to see what is most needed for your body in your Initial Consult. We will also go over all the do’s and don’ts of the cleanse in terms of what you can eat. I will have strategies along the way in the Skool group with foods, and other ways to support the body to make this easier for you. If you’ve worked with me before, you know I’m definitely a proponent of not having to feel deprived. I’ll have recipes and fun things to cook and make along the way that are delicious, simple and satiating. 

Be aware emotions can and will come up during a cleanse. This is why I’m offering the other tiers, so you can get more support with emotional balancing and releasing what is no longer serving you.

You will need to cleanse for 21 days, but to completely eliminate parasites, it will take 30 days or more. I’m not saying everyone will need to do that, but if you have a persistent issue that you really want to shift, it may. Your commitment by joining is 21 days, but you may find that it’s easier than you think, and decide to go longer if need be. 

The most important thing to know is mindset is everything! Cleansing can be fun, and should not be overly stressful. If you think you “should” do it, you have resistance and you aren’t ready. Going into this with excitement will create a way in which you can truly release and let go of what no longer serves you. Does this excite you? Does it feel in flow? If you’d like to learn more, we can schedule a free 15 minute Discovery Connect Call to find out if this is right for you. 

Looking forward to releasing and supporting you!


Here’s what a past client has to say about my parasite group cleanse: 

“I decided to participate in the Parasite Cleanse Party with Korenna (Tanya) because I was experiencing some uncomfortable symptoms. After eating certain things I felt bloated. I had gas often. Sometimes, after consuming certain seemingly healthy foods (cheese, organic half & half, kale, etc.) I would end up having so much gas I could not even leave the house unless I took massive amounts of antacids and anti-gas pills. I hate taking those pill and only did so when absolutely necessary. Otherwise, I would just allow the gas to pass. 

I can truthfully say that I am thrilled with the results of the Parasite Cleanse. Even though it took me 60 days, it was totally worth it! I've gone back to my not-as-clean diet but no longer feel bloated after eating. I have the occasional gas like most people, but *nothing* like the flatulence I had before the cleanse. Eliminating those parasites has improved my quality of life because I now go out to eat with friends without the fear of the pain and discomfort and potential embarrassment I had been living with.”

-Deb P. 

Joining The Parasite Release Party is simple. Join Today or by September 27th for a 30 day and by October 3rd for a 21 day cleanse. We will need to get your Initial Nutritional Consult in that coming week, and have you order your herbs. 

Sometimes we're faced with a big life decision, or we are navigating a painful chapter, and we need a time out. We also want to innerstand what to do next, or why, or how to overcome this. And this is when a Vision Quest can really serve us.

Finding our inner vision, answers, quietude and getting away from wifi is essential these days. I am honored to lead others on this quest to find their own visions without plant medicine, and with fasting with water, and me holding space for you in a safe space in nature. Mama Gaia and your higher self will bring you all the answers you need.

If you'd like an answer to a question, that only you can answer, a Vision Quest can help you do that. I'm leading my next one: September 27-29th

I would love to get on a Connect Call and share more with you if you want to see if this is for you! A sliding scale is available to those who need it! Click below to schedule.

Blessings of Love & Hugs, 


Want to Achieve Emotional Resilience and Alignment Through Life’s Challenges? 

My new program, Your Embodied Hero’s Journey is a way to overcome disempowerment, confusion, and imbalance, so you can get alignment, emotional resilience and confidence to overcome life’s changes, find direction, and come into your greatest authentic and purposeful path. This an online group coaching program that will begin in a few weeks and is incredibly affordable! If you want details, reply Yes to get more info and/or on the waitlist!

For years I watched clients of mine heal from physical and emotional issues, and they then often wanted to transition into being entrepreneurs, or maybe they wanted to leave their relationship or make another big life change. They needed more tools, and I wanted to continue to share the knowledge and wisdom I gained through my fist career ending, and my last two significant relationships endings, and all the teachings that I put into practice as I sought healing through these times.

So I created something special that will allow you to achieve emotional resilience, get into alignment during a time of life changes, challenges, and to uplevel through it all. I’ll be here to support you within a community to make these lasting changes. 

We will work on applying mindset, body, emotion and energy alchemy to achieve emotional resilience, confidence and alignment, to step into a purposeful path.

And, I’m so excited to share more, meet you and introduce you to what will be in this at Self-Sustained Healing To Your Empowered Self this coming Thursday September 5th at 12pm mdt over Zoom. The link to register for this free event is below!

Breathwork Yoga Online

Sukshma Vyayama, or Breathwork Yoga is a form that strengthens the physical, mental and emotional bodies. You do not have to be super flexible to enjoy and participate in this form. This is deeply detoxifying, and will purge your body of old physical and emotional ailments. For this form we will mostly be standing. Get ready to get energized and open the body to create emotional resilience, feel supple and radiant! Bring your yoga mat and/or a blanket and water.

Classes are currently online on Tuesdays at 7am and Fridays at 7:00am mdt on Zoom.

Classes in person are Tuesdays at 6:30pm mdt at Julia Davis park behind the rose garden in the tree shade.

All classes are $12 and you can pay by texting and then paying over Venmo: @Tanya-Kutterer or go to my schedule here on my website. Packages are available to save you money as well.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!


Meet with Korenna Today