High Blood Pressure and Chinese Medicine

Image by Monica Leonardi

The view of hypertension from a Chinese or Eastern Medicine System is similar to the Western in that the organs of the heart and the kidneys have a crucial relationship and must be addressed. Additionally, the liver plays an important role and all the assisting organs to those aforementioned: the small intestine, pericardium, bladder and gallbladder.

There is a heart and kidney balance that must be maintained as the heart gives blood to the kidneys, and the kidney raises heat for the fire needed in the heart. The kidneys not only need to assist the heart, but they store our essence and life energy.

In Chinese Medicine there is Five Element Theory and the elements that are of particular importance with hypertension are the ones that govern the kidney and heart. These elements are water and fire, respectively. The main functions of fire in the body are of heating and circulating. The heat is essential in the body to warm the digestive fire to assimilate the food and to extract the nourishment as well as regulate the blood flow. The other aspect of heat is that of the emotion and energy of vitality, joy and warmth to others. In an imbalance, those may not be present.

The water element is ruled by the kidneys. The kidneys move water and all the body fluids through, as well as filtering our blood. They move out the waste and are therefore imperative to immune function. Water carries heat to warm us and therefore when in balance one’s circulation will be good. When there is an imbalance or stuck energy of the water element, we can become overly emotional and fear can easily rise up.

With high blood pressure, it is imperative to exercise, get good sleep and reduce stress. I recommend Qigong, Tai Chi or Yoga or other mindful movement. Emotionally it is important to process any anger, sadness or worry with journaling, counseling, play and other therapies.

A low sodium diet is necessary and this means very little processed foods. There is a chemical addiction to using salt excessively or foods that have salt in them. Red meats and uncured meats should be reduced. MSG, if not taken out of the diet completely will disrupt the sodium balance in the body. If you wish to add salt to a dish, it’s important to use sea salt as this is a more natural form than table salt. The process in which table salt is made includes heating it, bleaching it with chemicals to make it white, and adding aluminum stearate. If you think you need iodine, try using seaweeds or a kelp iodine supplement.

Amma sessions harmonize the kidney and heart axis. They connect all the organ systems so that they may each individually work as need be and assist one another. The results are increased ability to sleep and relax, increased energy, improved circulation and digestion, reduced blood pressure, and having the willpower and warmth to carry out one’s duties and enjoy life!

Many Blessings,



Mindful Movement


Why I Practice Amma