Nature heals you events

Finding Center Vision Quest 2024

A vision quest is an opportunity to step into your inner temple, and perhaps new unchartered territory that allows you to seek or find revelation on your path. Often a quest begins with a question, or an intention. Perhaps you know something is about to change, or it already has, or you have been spending more time on your own due to desire or circumstance. You may be feeling the need to be alone, or feel unsettled in your life in some way. The change could be related to career, family or other relationships, finances, etc. When we go on a vision quest, we go into nature in solitude; into ourselves to receive direction and guidance to an important life question of which way to go, or what is needed to achieve further peace and wholeness. 

Each of us has all the wisdom inside us to achieve the answer we need. As we go within, our higher-self brings us the answers. Sometimes it brings these through the dreamtime, in signs or synchronicities along the time in solitude, or on the path to get there. This can even happen after you return home. Our quest always enlightens and shows us more of what we need to shift, to process and unpack, unfurl, let go of, or what to bring in. 

During the vision quest time, you fast on water only. There is no plant medicine taken during this. Your answers are awaiting within you! Away from technology, away from distractions, away from to-do’s, we are able to get the quietude and inner vision; our intuitive awareness. When you go on a Vision Quest, be prepared to come away with answers, with peace, and with other epiphanies that nature, your guides and higher-self bestow upon you. 

How it works: 

Korenna is now leading Vision Quests to a small group of women or men (3-4). The quest takes place nestled in secluded areas in the woods that Korenna has previously scouted for seclusion and safety. Korenna is camped close by you, holding space, and is available during the entire quest if needed. For a first quest, a participant begins doing a 2 day Quest like this upcoming one. For this quest, you will need 3 days carved out for travel time. 

We leave on a Friday at 9am from Boise, and arrive at our destination. Korenna leads each participant to find and set up their space with their tent and belongings. We have an initial sharing circle and a plant-based meal together and Korenna leads optional breathwork and a meditative hike before you go off on your own. After these activities, Korenna leads you to your secluded space to begin your quest. Sunday morning you finish out the quest by noon, give thanks for this space, and come back to the main camp on your own or with Korenna’s assistance. We break our fast with fruit, and share insights in circle if we wish to. We then pack up, give our gratitude and drive back home. We return to Boise by approximately 5:00pm Sunday. 

What’s included: Korenna takes all participants in one vehicle to our quest destination. (If you wish to caravan and follow me, this is an option as well.) We will either be in the Owyhees or in the mountains north of Lowman depending on the weather. The location is not disclosed until payment is received and the week before it can change, again depending on weather. Lunch Friday, a plant-based meal, and a fruit salad Sunday to break our fast is included, as well as snacks on the way home if desired. Korenna has an Initial Coaching and Prep call to go over when you register or within 2 weeks prior to our leave date. You will also have an Integration Coaching call within 1-2 weeks after returning home. 

If you’re interested, there is an application process. To be eligible, you will need to be able to fast from food for 2 days and not have any medical concerns for doing so. You will drink lots of water during this time. It is best to have camping experience, and to have your own camping gear. (Korenna can provide a tent, pad & sleeping bag if needed). You will need to be in a good mental and emotional space to be with and by yourself, in silence for 2 days, and off grid for an entire two days. Korenna is First Aid and CPR certified and we can go over any safety concerns beforehand in your registration call. We will be out of cell range, but I do have a rescue system that allows me to call for an emergency in these remote areas outside of cell service. 

Your investment for this Vision Quest is $277. Please prepare to commit to this time for you. Sorry no refunds can be made for this unless I can fill your space.

I’m available for a free Discovery Call to connect and clarify anything further if you’re interested. I would love to have you join if this feels aligned for you. 

Blessings of Tree and Star Light, 


Breathwork Yoga Online

Sukshma Vyayama, or Breathwork Yoga is a form that strengthens the physical, mental and emotional bodies. You do not have to be super flexible to enjoy and participate in this form. This is deeply detoxifying, and will purge your body of old physical and emotional ailments. For this form we will mostly be standing. Get ready to get energized and open the body to create emotional resilience, feel supple and radiant! Bring your yoga mat and/or a blanket and water.

Classes are currently online on Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30am on Zoom.

Online classes are $12 and you can pay by texting and then paying over Venmo: @Tanya-Kutterer or go to my schedule here on my website. Packages are available to save you money as well.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!


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